
2019-07-12 15:51:00 来源:365BET官方网站 点击: 收藏本文


研究领域:教育政策学、政策社会学(policy sociology





2021 -     365BET官方网站 副教授、硕士生导师

2018-2020 365BET官方网站 “青年英才”特聘副研究员



2013-2017 伦敦大学教育学院(IOE 博士

2010-2013 北京师范大学教育学部 硕士

2006-2010 北京师范大学教育学部/法学院 双学士




[1] 国家社会科学基金2022年度教育学青年项目“‘双减’背景下学科类家教的治理路径研究”(CFA220312

[2] 广东省哲学社会科学十三五规划2018年度教育学青年项目粤港澳大湾区流动人口子女教育支持体系研究GD18YJY02

[3] 广州市哲学社会科学十四五规划2023年度决策咨询重点课题高质量发展背景下广州打造大湾区高水平人才高地教育支撑体系研究2023JCZX32

[4] 广州市哲学社会科学发展十三五规划2019年度一般课题大湾区建设背景下广州市境外人员子女教育支持体系研究2019GZYB33




[1] Yu, H. (2022) Migration and Educational Policymaking in China: A Critical Engagement with Policy Sociology and Bourdieu. London: Routledge.

[2] Yu, H. (2021) Migrant Children in State/Quasi-state Schools in Urban China: From Access to Quality? London: Routledge.



从事教育政策学研究,以独著或一作身份在《教育研究》《Journal of Education Policy》等刊物发表论文四十余篇,其中SSCI收录5篇、CSSCI收录11篇。


[1] 余晖,朱俊华. 算法时代嵌入技术变革的教育权力关系重构[J]. 教育研究, 2023(11):29-41.

[2] 余晖. 批判教育政策研究范式、理论视角与问题意识的新进展[J]. 比较教育研究, 2023(11):70-79.

[3] 余晖. 理解教育政策变迁中的短时突变:一个政策社会学的解释框架[J]. 中国教育法制评论, 2022:202-214.

[4] 余晖,谢少华,刘福才. 解构教育政策:批判理论与政策社会学研究[J]. 外国教育研究, 2021(08):56-71.(人大复印资料《教育学》全文转载)

[5] Yu, Hui. (2021) Making restrictive schooling policies for rural migrants: discourse, power, and policy cycle in the Chinese context, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(3): 440-453. SSCI

[6] Yu, Hui. (2018) Shaping the educational policy field: ‘cross-field effects’ in the Chinese context, Journal of Education Policy, 33(1): 43-61.SSCI一区)


[7] 余晖. “双减时代基础教育的公共性回归与公平性隐忧[J]. 南京社会科学, 2021(12):145-153.(人大复印资料《中小学教育》全文转载、《教育科学文摘》转载)

[8] 余晖. 家长专业化背景下家庭教育指导的价值误区及其澄清[J]. 南京社会科学, 2022(07):145-154.(《教育科学文摘》转载)

[9] Yu, Hui. (2020) The making of ‘incompetent parents’: intersectional identity, habitus and Chinese rural migrant’s parental educational involvement, The Australian Educational Researcher, 47(4): 555-570. SSCI,获2020年度Springer/AER最佳论文提名)

[10] Yu, Hui. (2020) Inheriting or re-structuring habitus/capital? Chinese migrant children in the urban field of cultural reproduction, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(12): 1277-1289. SSCI


[11] 余晖,刘福才. 英国高校智库:功能定位、运行机制和服务模式[J]. 比较教育研究, 2018(12): 59-66.

[12] 余晖,刘水云. 世界一流大学如何培养教育政策人才?——对六种主流模式的分析[J]. 清华大学教育研究, 2017(2):43-49.













[1] []芭芭拉·伊萨克斯(), 黄玮琳, 余晖(). 蒙台梭利教育[M]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 2020.

[2] []莎伦·汉森(), 余晖(). 执行力:青少年战胜拖延低效的行动计划[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2018.



· 丛书编著Routledge出版社“布迪厄与亚太教育”丛书副主编(Routledge Book Series “Bourdieu and Education of Asia Pacific”

· 论著外审Routledge书稿;Università degli Studi di Padova博士论文;《Journal of Education Policy》《Rural Sociology》《世界社会科学》等数十份学术刊物

· 智库服务:bet356官网在线登录广州教育治理现代化高等研究中心执行主任;基础教育治理与创新研究中心;粤港澳大湾区教育发展高等研究院

· 学会兼职:广东教育学会粤港澳大湾区教育协同发展专业委员会秘书长;中国教育发展战略学会家校协同专业委员会常务理事;广东教育学会理事;广东高等教育学会比较教育专业委员会理事

· 社会服务:广东省青年联合会第十二届委员会委员;广东省海外留学青年联谊会常务理事;执信中学办学指导专家;腾讯家长学校指导专家









Associate Professor Hui Yu


Email: hui.yu@m.scnu.edu.cn 

ORCiD: orcid.org/0000-0002-9651-502X

Web page: /a/20190712/3645.html



Associate Professor (tenured)

School of Education, South China Normal University, China


Academic visiting

Visiting Scholar

Centre for Research on Social Inequalities, Sciences Po, France



PhD, Institute of Education (IOE), University College London, UK

MA, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China

BA (dual degree), Faculty of Education/Law School, Beijing Normal University, China


Research Interest

As a policy sociology researcher, my research focuses on the interplay of policy processes and social class equalities in education, adopting sociological resources such as Bourdieu and Foucault. My ongoing research projects focus on parental educational involvement and private tutoring in urban China.


Authored book (in English)

[1] Yu, H. (2022) Migration and Educational Policymaking in China: A Critical Engagement with Policy Sociology and Bourdieu. London: Routledge.

[2] Yu, H. (2021) Migrant Children in State/Quasi-state Schools in Urban China: From Access to Quality? London: Routledge.


Journal Article (in English)

[1] Yu, H. (2020) ‘The making of “incompetent parents”: intersectional identity, habitus and Chinese rural migrant’s parental educational involvement’, The Australian Educational Researcher, 47(4): 555-570. (Shortlisted for the 2020 Springer/AER Best Paper Award)

[2] Yu, H. (2018) ‘Shaping the educational policy field: “cross-field effects” in the Chinese context’, Journal of Education Policy, 33(1): 43-61.

[3] Yu, H. (2020) ‘Inheriting or re-structuring habitus/capital? Chinese migrant children in the urban field of cultural reproduction’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(12): 1277-1289.

[4] Yu, H. (2021) ‘Making restrictive schooling policies for rural migrants: discourse, power, and policy cycle in the Chinese context’, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(3): 440-453.

[5] Yu, H. & Huang, W.* (2021) From access to quality? Examining the interim quasi-state schools for rural migrants in urban China, Education as Change, 25: 1-23.

[6] Tesar, M., Ruiz Guerrero, M., Anttila, E. et al. (2021). Infantographies, Educational Philosophy and Theory.


Chapter and Entry (in English)

[1] Yu, H. (2022) ‘Localized’ field strategies and diversities in educational policy enactment: towards multi-level/directional cross-field analysis. In Mu, M. & Karen, D. (eds). Recontextualising and Recontesting Bourdieu in Chinese Education: Habitus, Mobility and Language, London, UK: Routledge.


Funded Research Study

[1] Yu, H. (2022) Examining the Development of Private Tutoring in the Era of Post-‘Double Reduction’. 2022-2025. Founder: National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences. Grant awarded: ¥200,000.

[2] Yu, H. (2019) Examining the Educational Support System for Migrant Children in Guangzhou. 2019-2021. Founder: Guangzhou Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. Grant awarded: ¥50,000.

[3] Yu, H. (2018) Examining Educational Support for Migrant Children in the Greater Bay Area. 2018-2021. Founder: Guangdong Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. Grant awarded: ¥50,000.


Academic Community Service

Co-editor: Routledge Book Series ‘Bourdieu and Education of Asia Pacific

Reviewer: Routledge; Università degli Studi di Padova (PhD Thesis); Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Australian Educational Researcher, Cambridge Journal of Education, Children & Society, Chinese Education & Society, Current Sociology, ECNU Review of Education, Educational Studies, International Journal of Educational Research, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Journal of Education Policy, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Sociology, Poetics, Policy Futures in Education, Rural Sociology, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies; The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher; BERA, CERA, ECER, WERA.



I am Module Leader of ‘Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Education’ (SCNU English taught MA module). I was a member of curriculum design team of ‘Student Facilitated Post Upgrade Course’ (UCL PhD module).


Award and Scholarship

Paper shortlisted for the 2020 Springer/AER Best Paper Award

European Conference on Educational Research bursary

Chinese government full scholarship for overseas PhD study



(Updated 21/12/2023)